Geico may have to pay $5.2M to Democrat prostitute who got HPV during sex in car
(too old to reply)
HPV Hillary Clinton
2022-06-10 03:51:16 UTC
In article <RGZtH.3738$***@fx28.iad>
<sack-of-shit-***@gmx.com> wrote:

JACKSON COUNTY, Mo. (WGHP) — Geico was ordered to pay a woman
$5.2 million after she caught a sexually transmitted disease
while having sex with a man in his car — yet there’s still a
chance the insurance company may not have to pay, according to
the Kansas City Star.

The case has been in legal limbo as the insurance company fights
the decision. But on Tuesday, a panel of three judges with the
Missouri Court of Appeals determined that the lower court was
right in dismissing Geico’s motion to have the decision tossed
out and a new hearing scheduled.

The woman, who court documents identify as “M.O.,” told Geico
that she had sex with a man, identified as”M.B.,” in his 2014
Hyundai Genesis back in 2017. M.B. was insured with Geico. The
woman was later diagnosed with human papillomavirus. She alleges
that the man knew he had HPV and understood the risks of
unprotected sex.

The woman asked for $1 million in damages for “negligence and
negligent infliction of emotional distress” that happened inside
the car, according to the Washington Post, but Geico refused to
settle in the case.

In May 2021, an arbitrator with Jackson County Circuit Court
determined that sex in the vehicle, “directly caused, or
directly contributed to cause” the woman to contract HPV,
according to the Post. The man was found liable.

Geico pushed back, arguing that the man’s policy only covered
injuries “out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the …
auto.” The company also said she contracted HPV due to “her
failure to prevent transmission of STDs by having unprotected
sex,” the Post reports.

Geico was ordered to pay the woman $5.2 million in damages.

The insurance company tried to have the decision tossed out and
a new hearing scheduled, but the panel determined that the lower
court made the right call.

“At the time of Geico’s intervention, liability and damages had
been determined by an arbitrator and confirmed by the trial
court,” Court of Appeals Judge Edward R. Ardini Jr. wrote
according to the Washington Post. “Geico had no right to re-
litigate those issues.”

Geico is continuing to push back against the decision, stating
the claim is not covered under M.B.’s insurance policy, the Star

Fat Sow Stacy Adams
2024-01-12 22:14:53 UTC
Fat black whore Adams should be in jail.
A Georgia judge declined to block a portion of a state election
law that prevents people from handing out food and water in
certain parts of voting lines.

The section received a huge amount of focus when the state
Legislature was considering its election overhaul bill last
year. On Thursday, a judge told voting rights groups challenging
the provision that it will remain in place while cases are

Thursday’s ruling means the restriction will be in effect during
the crucial midterm elections contests in the Peach State that
features a Senate contest that could end up tipping control of
the upper chamber.

Activists decried the election bill as an attempt to suppress
voters, with President Joe Biden referring to it as "Jim Crow

Several groups focused on the food and water provision as
inhumane. However, the law is specific in terms of where food
and water handouts are prohibited. The bill also clarifies the
section is designed to prevent soliciting votes "in any manner."

No one can give gifts, distribute campaign materials, offer food
and drinks or ask anyone to sign petitions "within 150 feet of
the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is
established; within any polling place; [or] within 25 feet of
any voter standing in line at any polling place," the bill

The state argued it was too close to an election to make any
changes to the law.

U.S. District Judge J.P. Boulee appeared to agree with the state
that it would be inappropriate to make changes to the law so
close to November, but said the matter wasn’t settled.

While Boulee agreed the plaintiffs brought their case in a
timely manner, he was swayed by a desire to ensure rules across
all elections this cycle were uniform.

He said that different rules in November than those that were in
place in the primary elections earlier this year could cause
confusion for election workers, further undermining a corroding
confidence in elections.

"Although there is some evidence in the record that an order
enjoining the enforcement of the Food, Drink and Gift Ban within
the Supplemental Zone would perhaps not be the most complex
change election officials have had to implement close to an
election, there is significant evidence that an injunction would
impair the state’s interests in avoiding voter confusion,
maintaining a smooth and orderly election process and promoting
confidence in that process," he wrote.

Democrat Pedophiles
2024-01-12 22:29:54 UTC
In article <147a7edd-dac3-47e9-9966-
Fat black whore Adams should be in jail.
A Virginia school district informed parents on Wednesday that a
counselor at one of its middle schools was fired after
administrators learned that he had previously been convicted of
"solicitation of prostitution from a minor."

Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Michelle Reid sent
a letter to families stating that the counselor continued his
employment at Glasgow Middle School in Lincolnia, Virginia,
despite being convicted of a sex crime against a minor.

"I am writing to make you aware of the action that I am taking
as a result of being notified of a serious situation at Glasgow
Middle School regarding a counselor who continued to be employed
despite being convicted – outside of Fairfax County – of
‘solicitation of prostitution from a minor’. I want to assure
you that as soon as the School Board and I knew of the
situation, we took immediate steps to dismiss the employee. I
can confirm that the employee has been terminated and FCPS is
petitioning the state to revoke his license," Reid wrote.

A spokesperson for the school district confirmed to Fox News
that Darren Thornton, a counselor at Glasgow Middle School, was
fired, and the district is petitioning the state to take away
his teaching license.

The Glasgow Middle School website no longer lists Thornton as a
counselor, but a Jan. 20, 2021 version of the website lists him
as an employee of the school.

Thornton is listed on Virginia's sex offender registry, which
states that he was convicted of solicitation of prostitution
from a minor on March 11. He was initially arrested on Nov. 19,

Court records show that he pleaded not guilty to the crime on
Aug. 30, 2021, but was convicted on March 11.

Records also show that Fairfax County Public Schools requested
information regarding the case on June 15.

Thornton was arrested a separate time on June 9 and charged with
solicitation of prostitution.

The school district said that a "comprehensive, independent
investigation" is underway by an outside organization to look
into the "circumstances surrounding this situation."

"While I am not able to speak to the specifics of the
investigation at this time, I can confirm that it covers both
internal and external processes. Following my receipt of the
investigative report, I will share my corrective action steps
with the School Board and wider community to ensure full
accountability. Please be assured that I will take whatever
further corrective actions are required to prevent this from
happening again," Reid wrote.

Adam Sabes is a writer for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be
sent to ***@fox.com and on Twitter @asabes10.

Just Think...
2024-01-13 02:46:21 UTC
In article <u4nonl$3gfgo$***@dont-email.me>
"Queer - Inmate Number P01135809" <***@protonmail.com>

Loading Image...

Imagine that stupid bitch in charge of your country and
responsible for fending off Putin. He'll be Putin his "Willy"
in her ass and Democrats will all be speaking Russian.
Editor LA Times
2024-01-13 03:01:24 UTC
Every liberal is a narcissist. There are no exceptions.
Good parenting requires empathy, compassion and the willingness
to make some of your needs secondary — essentially, many of the
traits that you wouldn’t find in a narcissist.

But as a psychologist who studies the impacts of narcissism in
family relationships, I’ve noticed that many narcissist traits,
such as grandiosity, superiority and entitlement, are on the

Narcissistic parenting isn’t about bragging on social media or
forcing rigorous extracurricular activities on your kids. It
goes a lot deeper, and it’s one of the most toxic ways to raise
your kids. Narcissistic parents have a hard time allowing their
kids to become their own person, or have their own needs met.

You might know a narcissistic parent and not realize it. Here
are the common signs:

1. They see their child as a source of validation.
Narcissists will often loudly flaunt their children when they
score the winning goal or get the big part in the school play.
You might see them constantly bragging online or bringing up
their child’s beauty or talent in conversation.

Unless something involves their child’s achievements, the parent
is checked out, detached and disinterested in their child. They
generally shame their child’s need for connection or validation,
and instead see them as a tool to fulfill those needs for

2. They are emotionally reactive, but shame their child’s
Narcissists are often angry and aggressive when they feel
disappointed or frustrated. If they believe their child is being
critical or defiant, they can lash out. These reactions can
manifest as screaming, sudden bouts of rage or, in more severe
cases, physical violence.

Meanwhile, the emotions of others can make narcissistic people
uncomfortable and they may have contempt for them. They may
shame their child into not sharing their emotions at all with
phrases like, “Get over yourself, it wasn’t that big of a deal,”
or, “Stop crying and toughen up.”

3. They always put their own needs first.
Sometimes adults need to put real-world issues first — maybe a
late shift can’t be avoided or chores will take up an entire
afternoon. But narcissistic parents expect their children to
make sacrifices so that they can do or have whatever they want.

For example, if the parent likes sailing, then their children
must go sailing every weekend. Or if the parent has a standing
tennis game, then the parent will never miss it, even for
something important like a graduation ceremony.

4. They have poor boundaries.
Narcissistic parents can be quite intrusive. When they don’t
feel like it, they won’t interact with the child. But when they
want the child to validate them, they may feel they can
interrupt their child’s and ask them to do whatever they want to

They may ask probing questions or be critical of their child in
a way that feels intrusive as well, such as commenting on
weight, appearance or other attributes that leave the child
feeling self-conscious.

5. They play favorites.
Narcissistic parents maintain their power by triangulating, or
playing favorites. They may have a golden child who they
compliment excessively, for example, while speaking badly about
another child in the family.

This can make children feel uncomfortable, disloyal and
psychologically unsafe. They may believe that they need to go
along with or impress the narcissistic parent to avoid their
wrath and maintain good standing in the family unit.

6. They shift blame onto their children.
Narcissists have the need to feel perfect, so they shirk
responsibilities for their own missteps and blame their
children. They can be cruel when they feel criticized, and their
comments often sting.

Common refrains from narcissistic parents might be something
like, “It’s your fault that I am so tired,” or, “I could have
had a great career if I didn’t have to deal with you.”

Over time, children of narcissistic parents internalize these
comments and begin to self-blame, believing: “When I have needs,
I make everyone else feel or perform worse.'

7. They expect the child to be the caregiver.
At a relatively young age, the message from a narcissistic
parent is that their child has to take care of them.

This often extends well into adulthood, where the narcissistic
parent can be quite manipulative. A common line might be, “I fed
and clothed you, so now you owe me.” Many narcissists expect
their children to provide care and support later in life.

How to change narcissistic parenting tendencies
If you find yourself relating to any of the traits above, don’t
worry. We all have a certain level of self-involvement. However,
there are several strategies you can use to change your mindset
and habits.

First, don’t gaslight your child. If they say, “You’re always
angry at me,” don’t say, “That’s not the case.” This will only
confuse them further. Instead, meet the child with empathy: “I
am so sorry. Do you want to talk about it? How are you feeling?”

Another strategy is to avoid forced forgiveness. Forced
forgiveness benefits the parent by pushing their bad behavior
under the rug but only fosters self-blame and confusion in the
child. Let the child have their experience.

Lastly, consider therapy; it’s one of the best places to explore
your parenting attitudes and tendencies.

You're wasting your time, doc. Most liberals are illiterate.

Disband the FBI
2024-01-13 04:17:06 UTC
The outlaw FBI is out of control and should be disbanded. All former FBI agents should be blacklisted from law enforcement.
If you fly the Gadsden flag, you just might be a “Militia
Violent Extremist.”

If you fly the Betsy Ross flag or use “Revolutionary War
imagery,” you just might be an MVE.

And if you talk about the Second Amendment a lot, and worry
about government raids that send American citizens to the
boneyard, well, you just might be an MVE.

Those ideas are found in the FBI’s unclassified but exclusively
internal “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide.”

The leaked document shows just how far the agency, under the
guidance of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General
Merrick Garland, is pushing the falsehood that American
patriots, whom they call “white supremacists,” “domestic violent
extremists,” and now “militia violent extremists (MVEs)” are the
main threat facing the country.

Second Amendment a Clue

Leaked to Project Veritas, the internal FBI document explains
that the symbols, imagery, and language of MVEs involve several
common themes “found on propaganda, online platforms, memes,
merchandise, group logos, flags, tattoos, uniforms, etc.”
According to The Epoch Times:

Widespread use of symbols and quotes from American history,
especially the Revolutionary War, exists within MVE networks….
Historic and contemporary military themes are common for MVE

The use or sharing of these symbols alone should not
independently be considered evidence of MVE presence or
affiliation, or serve as an indicator of illegal activity, as
many individuals use these symbols for their original historic
meaning or other non-violent purposes.

Despite the disclaimer above that not everyone who flies a Betsy
Ross flag is an MVE, the message is clear. Traditional patriotic
and other symbols, particularly those that call to mind the War
for Independence, could mean trouble.

Among the modern symbols so-called MVEs use are those of the
Boogaloo movement, anarcho-capitalism, the Punisher skull, and
the Second Amendment.

Of the right outlined in the Constitution that the Framers
thought so important they placed it second only to the rights of
free speech and to practice one’s religion, the FBI concluded
this: “MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment,
due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the
right to bear arms.”

After symbols, the document says, agents should watch out for
famous historical quotes:

• When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty, and

• The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with
the blood of patriots and tyrants; and

• Well-regulated American militia

The document also includes a list of deceased Americans whom
“MVEs consider … to be martyrs.”

Among them are Vicki Weaver, killed by an FBI agent during the
raid on her home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho; and Ashli Babbitt, the
Trump supporter and Air Force Veteran whom Capitol Hill cop
Michael Byrd shot to death unnecessarily during the mostly
peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The document also lists events that MVEs discuss, such as the
raid on the Branch Davidian compound in 1993.

“White Supremacy” Terror Threat

Whether the FBI has published similar internal guidance on
Antifa and Black Lives Matter, both of which rampaged through
American cities after the overdose death of George Floyd, a
martyr for anti-white leftists, we are not given to know.

We do know that the latest on “MVEs” segues naturally from
President Joe Biden’s ridiculous claim that “terrorism from
white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today
— not ISIS, not al Qaeda — white supremacists.”

That Bidenism riffed off a report from the Department of
Homeland Security in 2020, which said the same thing, right
after the leftist and communist street armies of BLM and Antifa
tried to destroy 200 American cities, left $1 billion in damage
behind them, and killed Americans along the way.

Nor does the claim take into account the number of illegal-alien
terrorists or terror-connected illegals who have slipped past
border agents.

But considering that border agents have stopped 275 illegals on
the FBI’s terror watch list from the beginning of fiscal 2022
through June, DHS might consider focusing on the possibility
that Islamic terrorists are working overtime to cross the border.

(And that doesn’t count the arrests of rapists, murderers, and
gang members.)

Maybe releasing one million illegal aliens to disappear into the
American heartland is a greater threat than white protesters who
carry the Gadsden flag.

Category Crime

